We're the Twin Lakes Skatepark Project

We're on a mission to build a world-class skateboarding and extreme sports park in Grayson County.

We're so glad to have you here. Check our social media pages for the most up-to-date news.

Still wondering, "Why would we want a skatepark?" Check out our Facts page.

Our Mission Statement

The Twin Lakes Skatepark Project is dedicated to the planning, development, and maintenance of a public recreational skatepark facility within Grayson County. Our mission is to provide recreational opportunities for residents and visitors, promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles, contribute to the economic growth and development of our region, and foster a sense of community engagement and collaboration. Recognizing skateboarding as a diverse and inclusive activity that brings together people from all walks of life, we are also committed to fostering unity, inclusiveness, and diversity within our community.

Our Vision

Imagine a place where everyone can skate, ride, and connect. We aim to build a safe, accessible skatepark that serves as a hub for creativity, physical activity, and community engagement. We dream of a space where individuals of all backgrounds can come together, feel welcome, and share in the joy of skateboarding. A place where diversity is celebrated, inclusivity is the norm, and everyone, regardless of their experience or background, can feel safe and inspired. This skatepark will not only enrich our community but also boost the local economy. The buzz surrounding our park will draw visitors to Grayson County, creating opportunities for local businesses and fostering economic growth. Our vision is to create a community where everyone belongs and thrives.

Our Objectives

  • Plan and design a safe and accessible skatepark facility that meets the needs and preferences of the community.
  • Secure funding and resources for the construction, maintenance, and ongoing operation of the skatepark.
  • Foster partnerships with local organizations, businesses, and government agencies to support the skatepark project and enhance community engagement.
  • Promote skateboarding and action sports as positive recreational activities that contribute to physical and mental well-being.
  • Provide programming and events at the skatepark that promote skill development, creativity, and inclusivity.
  • Maintain open communication and collaboration with stakeholders.

Get Involved

We need your help to make this dream a reality. Donate here!

Got an idea for the project, or want to volunteer?
Do you just have some questions? Reach out on social media, or Contact Us.